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Electric Cars Are Far From Maintenance-Free
June 29, 2023

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While electric cars require less maintenance than traditional internal combustion vehicles, they are not maintenance-free. EVs still share some components with traditional vehicles that require periodic maintenance to ensure they stand the test of time. Here are some of the electric car maintenance items you can expect will need inspecting and services performed on.
Battery Coolant Replacement: Not all EVs require you to change their battery pack coolant but many do.
Brake Fluid flush And Change: Like all brake fluid, the stuff EVs use will absorb water over time, which can cause rusting in the system and boiling due to the high temperatures. You should perform a brake fluid exchange once the fluid reaches 3% water — you can have it tested at any repair shop.
Brake system Components And Operation: Yes, electric cars still use traditional brake pads that wear out just like any ICE vehicle.
Tire Rotations: Electric cars still roll on the same rubber tires as ICE vehicles, albeit low-rolling-resistance and low-noise versions of these tires. This means the tires will still need rotation about twice a year. Failure to rotate the tires can lead to uneven tire wear and significantly shorten the life of the tires.
Tire Pressure: you’ll want to check the tire pressure periodically. Like an ICE vehicle, running on tires with too much or too little pressure will decrease efficiency and increase uneven tire wear.
12-Volt Vehicle Battery: Yes, even though EVs have a battery pack to power the powertrain, they still use a traditional 12-volt battery to power the accessories, like the headlights, audio system, and more. Like any car battery, this battery will degrade over time.
Windshield Wipers: Your EV maintenance will also lead you to replace windshield wipers periodically. Like any vehicle, the rubber blades slowly degrade due to heat, sun, and extreme cold, resulting in streaking when they wipe away the rain.
Cabin Air Filters: While there is no engine air filter, most EVs will have a cabin air filter, which keeps smoke, dust, pollutants, and allergens from entering the cabin through the heating and air conditioning system. Over time, this filter may become clogged and slow the airflow or develop an odd smell.
Wheel Alignment: An EV chassis shares much with ICE vehicles, including the steering and suspension systems. These moving parts can shift over time, putting the wheels out of alignment like any other vehicle. This can cause the vehicle to pull to one side and uneven tire wear.Having the alignment checked at least once a year — twice a year if you live in an area with rough roads — and adjusting it as needed is a good practice to keep your tires in good shape.
Undercarriage Cleaning: With all the salt and other chemicals used on Canadian roads to keep them free of ice in the winter, we’re all used to undercarriage cleaning to prevent rusting. The same holds true for electric cars, which can rust like any other vehicle and in fact is a recommended services by many EV manufactures..
A/C System: Like All vehicle AC systems in EV's will wear with an eventual loss of performance.
Battery Pack: EV battery packs do slowly degrade over time, losing capacity and driving range. This is perfectly normal and is a part of owning an electric car. For the most part, this is a tolerable thing — especially in today’s longer-range EVs. Staying on top of your EV's service requirements will greatly extend the life of your vehicle.
This all Said EV's are a fantastic option today and have proven to be very reliable. EV's are going to require less in repairs but are not at all service free and that thought of not maintaining a service plan for your EV will result in costly repairs accompanied by an increasing lack of performance and safety so it is highly recommended to maintain a service schedule.
Drive Your EV with Confidence.
At EV LAB, our certified mechanics specialize in servicing all electric vehicle brands, including Tesla, Hyundai, Kia, Volkswagen, and more. Whether you need expert maintenance or repair, we’ve got you covered. Avoid the hassle of dealerships and trust our Tesla mechanics and EV specialists to keep your vehicle in top condition. Book an appointment today to enjoy a smooth, eco-friendly ride and experience the difference of personalized care for your electric vehicle!